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Welcome to Nature News. We will try to find intersting, relevent links and news from our favorite news resources and present them to you. We are not reporters, jounalists, we just want to inform the public. Please remember to recycle your waste products to their proper outlets.


If you have heard the news that endangered Whooping Cranes will be re-introduced to the state of Louisiana, check this website out: Operation Migration. This group of people are the volunteers that you may have seen flying miniplanes with a flock of geese, following.

Endangered Species

Let's kill the Wolves, OK!!!!? Please see this article. Here

The way the environment and climate is changing and through encrochment to vital lands, this is a very important website. You never know what's endangered until you visit here:


New ways to fix and improve stream and river estuary nutrients ... Read about it here at: U.S.G.S

We all know that our oceans have been polluted for years now. We pollute with trash, sewage, and chemical waste products. I never thought of it but the oceans are polluted from the air, too. See this from Science Daily News.

This little box contains some important links with descriptions. As we find news or interesting developments out there concerning nature, the environment, or other Earth matters, we will display here for you:

  1. The Environmental News Network is one of my favs for all thing concerning our planet. The site allows you to participate in their events/projects by signing up for a membership for free. But not necessary to read all the great info, updated nature news and much more. That's
  2. The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies has a project named the Yale Environment 360. I became interested in the site for its in-depth reports and projects they perform in order to help Earth. Won't you please visit them?
  3. All kinds of nature news and updates on our planet by the U.S. Geological Survey. This is one of my favorites for keeping up to speed with the natural activities of Planet Earth