A Wing Watchers Nature Quiz

The subject is Whales:

1. Can you name the family that these huge creatures belong to?
  • Fish family
  • Mammal family
  • Avian family
2. These huge creatures are very endangered and could become extinct someday. Some causes for this happening is due to over-hunting, ocean pollution, and climate changes. Do you think this statement is true or false?
  • True
  • False
  • Not sure
3. What is the baby of a whale called?
  • A colt
  • A puppy
  • A calf
4. When whales travel in family groups, what is it called?
  • A gang
  • A pod
  • A school

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Just click on the circle of your choice for each question. Then hit "Get Score" and the program will autograde you.

Do you think you could you find a name for these creature?

Find answer HERE.

ARKive video - North Atlantic right whale swimming

Here are some great websites to find lots more info on Whales, their habitat, what they eat and much more than I could put on this page: