Wing's Moth Index

Hodge's Numbers 8600 - 8998

Photos ~ Noctuiidae ~
Figure-seven Moth   8641-Figure Seven Moth--Catocalinae/Drasteria grandirina
Lunate Zale Moth?   8689-Lunate Zale Moth--Catocalinae/Zale lunata
Maple Zale Moth?   8692-Maple Zale Moth--Catocalinae/Zale galbanata
Colorful Zale Moth   8697-Colorful Zale Moth--Catocalinae/Zale minerea
Pine False Looper Zale Moth   8703-Pine False Looper Zale Moth--Catocalinae/Zale duplicata
Maple Looper Moth   8727-Maple Looper Moth--Catocalinae/Parallelia bistriaris
Clover Looper Moth   8738-Clover Looper Moth--Catocalinae/Caenurgina crassiuscula
Forage Looper Moth   8739-Forage Looper Moth--Catocalinae/Caenurgina erechtea
The Bride Moth   8798-The Bride Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala neogama
Yellow-banded Underwing Moth   8802-Yellow-banded Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala cerogama
White Underwing Moth   8803-White Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala relicta
Once-married Underwing Moth   8805-Once-married Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala unijuga
Darling Underwing Moth   8832-Darling Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala cara
The Sweetheart Underwing Moth   8834-The Sweetheart Underwing Moth?--Catocalinae/Catocala amatrix
Gloomy Underwing Moth   8849-Gloomy Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala andromedae
Ultronia Underwing Moth   8857-Ultronia Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala ultronia
Woody Underwing Moth   8864-Woody Underwing Moth--Catocalinae/Catocala grynea
Girlfriend Underwing Moth   8878-Girlfriend Underwing Moth?--Catocalinae/Catocala amica
Soybean Looper Moth   8890-Soybean Looper Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Pseudoplusia includens
Unspotted Looper Moth   8898-Unspotted Looper Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Allagrapha aerea
Formosa Looper Moth   8904-Formosa Looper Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Chrysanympha formosa
Common Looper Moth   8908-Common Looper Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Autographa precationis
Large Looper Moth   8923-Large Looper Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Autographa ampla
Lempke's Gold Spot Moth   8950-Lempke's Gold Spot Moth--Plusiinae/Plusiini/Plusia putnami
Light Marathyssa Moth   8956-Light Marathyssa Moth--Euteliinae/Marathyssa basalis
Eyed Paectes Moth   8957-Eyed Paectes Moth--Euteliinae/Paectes oculatrix
Eyed Baileya Moth   8970-Eyed Baileya Moth--Sarrothripinae/Risobini/Baileya ophthalmica
Pale Baileya Moth   8972-Pale Baileya Moth--Sarrothripinae/Risobini/Baileya levitans
Confused Meganola Moth   8983-Confused Meganola Moth--Nolinae/Meganola minuscula
Ashy Meganola Moth   8983.2-Ashy Meganola Moth--Nolinae/Meganola spodia
Sharp-blotched Nola Moth   8989-Sharp-blotched Nola Moth--Nolinae/Nola pustulata

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