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Crawly Things One -- Insects, True Bugs, Beetles --- Pg.5

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Margined Leatherwing Beetle by Ron Pelletier
Margined Leatherwing Beetle
Katydid by Dave Pelletier
Katydid larva by Dave Pelletier
Katydid larva
Katydid closeup by Dave Pelletier
Katydid closeup
Dobsonfly by Dave Pelletier
Dobsonfly (male)
Dobsonfly male (closeup) by Dave Pelletier
Dobsonfly (closeup)
Ladybug species by Ron Pelletier
Ladybug species
Paper Wasps and nest by Ron Pelletier
Paper Wasps/nest
Elderberry-borer Beetle by Dave Pelletier
Elderberry-borer Beetle
Pleasing Fungus Beetle by Dave Pelletier
Pleasing Fungus Beetle
Red-headed Ash Borer Beetle by Dave Pelletier
Red-headed Ash Borer
Honey Bee by Dave Pelletier
Honey Bee
Yellow Jacket worker by Dave Pelletier
Yellow Jacket/Ground Hornet
Vespula vidua (worker)
Robberfly/Laphria thoracica by Dave Pelletier
Laphria thoracica
Planthopper/Cixiidae species by Dave Pelletier
Planthopper/Cixiidae species
Two-spotted Tree Cricket by Dave Pelletier
Two-spotted Tree Cricket
Spotted Pelidnota Beetle by Ron Pelletier
Spotted Pelidnota Beetle
Stinkbug eggs by Dave Pelletier
Stink Bug eggs
Genus: Podisus
Ornate Snipe Fly by Dave Pelletier
Ornate Snipe Fly
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevils by Dave Pelletier
Green Immigrant
Leaf Weevils
Meadow Spittlebug Philaenus spumarius by Dave Pelletier
Meadow Spittlebug
Philaenus spumarius
Banded Longhorn Beetle/Typocerus velutinus by Dave Pelletier
Banded Longhorn Beetle
Typocerus velutinus
Flower Longhorn Beetle/Gaurotes cyanipennis by Dave Pelletier
Flower Longhorn Beetle
Gaurotes cyanipennis
Deerfly/Chrysops geminatus (M) by Dave Pelletier
Chrysops geminatus (M)
Deerfly/Chrysops cincticornis by Dave Pelletier
Chrysops cincticornis
Sawfly larva/Cimbicid family by Dave Pelletier
Sawfly larva
Cimbicid family
Ladybug species larva by Dave Pelletier
Ladybug larva
Leafhopper/Paraulacizes irrorata by Dave Pelletier
Paraulacizes irrorata